Commercial Services
Bob’s Johns understands that having restroom facilities at the jobsite keeps your valuable technicians and workers close to the action. The time saved increases productivity and adds to your bottom line. In most cases, the service we provide more than pays for itself and can even add value to your project. We have over 30+ years of experience under our belts and can provide dependable services:

From homeowner remodels to large scale construction, we can support your project. We’ll help you determine the right number of restrooms and help solve any logistical problems that you may face.
Oil and Gas Field Services

Bob’s Johns understands how important an effective Health, Safety, and Environmental program is in your industry. We share this responsibility and have developed an extensive HSE program designed to meet or exceed the requirements for working on your jobsites.
The AVL (automatic vehicle location) and GPS network systems we use in our Service Vehicles are powerful tools. They allow us to find locations, track routes, and record the data for all driving activity to and from every worksite. It also gives us the ability to communicate via satellite at any location, even in cell phone black out areas.
Emergency Services

We’re here to help! The need for emergency operations is an unfortunate but inevitable part of life. When the need arises Bob’s Johns jumps into action to support those that have been called to duty. For the last 10 years Bob's Johns has joined forces with the U.S. Forest Service, battling the fires of La Plata County. Our experience is extensive!